The player came to his club Essener SG 99/06, in a hospital. "to Him, it is doing well under the circumstances", said Association official Thomas rush. The other players flew to the bite, with the Red from the square. The match on Sunday ended 3:3. The victim had to still be on the same day of surgery.
"Even in the face of surgery you had experienced something like never before," said a spokesman for the football Association to "Waz.de". A Problem was that a piece of the nose is missing. "It was no longer there. I don’t know if it has eaten the offender", the spokesman to the newspaper.
The bite should be preceded by a dispute about a Foul in the encounter SV Preußen Eiberg 11/31 against Essener SG 99/06 II. It will be determined due to severe body injury, said the police spokesman. The biters would have apologized, a spokesman for the Essen-based Association for the "VAZ": "He apologized, in fact. But if one is bitten off a piece of the nose that is forgiveness."
In the FOCUS Online/Wochit Dortmund table leader: But no one from Munich takes on Borussia Dortmund ernst jr/dpa