The guys from voXXclub are actually known for their hits, which besides beer and chicken are at home in the marquees of the Munich Oktoberfest. After this year’s Oktoberfest was canceled due to the coronavirus, the band came up with something very special.

So the musicians deliver an “It’s not an Oktoberfest” song. After the Bavarian Prime Minister Söder announced on April 21 that the event will be canceled in 2024, the guys from Voxxclub went straight ahead and rewritten their song “Anneliese” to “Scheiss Corona”.

Voxxclub nach Oktoberfest-Schock mit neuem Song "Scheiss Corona"

Photo: Christian Barz

That’s what the boys say

The single was released on April 22nd. “All bands and musicians are naturally affected by the countless cancellation of events. But we do not let the joy of life be taken away and we want everyone at home to enjoy it too. Now at the Oktoberfest, which everyone celebrates at home, ”the Schlager musicians say.

“The Oktoberfest is our home, so to speak. With our very first song “Rock mi” we had the Oktoberfest hit in 2013 and that’s why the Oktoberfest is a big hit with us every year on the calendar. It hurts when this year is not an Oktoberfest. But we are now celebrating at home – join everyone, ”they also urge their fans. We can only hope that the Wiesn 2024 can then take place again as planned – with beer, chicken leg and the “good mood music” from voXXclub.


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