Ten analysts, five women and five men, the group of experts from Public Agenda elucidate in THE COUNTRY who consider the winner and who the loser of the election debate, which has organized this Monday, the Academy of Television among the heads of list of the PSOE, PP, Citizens, United we Can and Vox for the election of the 10-N. The majority of the experts considered that it has won Pedro Sanchez and has lost Albert Rivera.

1.- Emma Cerviño

Who has won?

Sanchez. Has been known to do in front of the block on the right (with the help of Vox), and his opponent in the block on the left, noting his commitment to progressive politics and subtracting credibility to a pact with the PP, it was Churches.

Who has lost?

Rivera. Unable to marry her speech reformist with the silence by the policies of Vox. Has not helped nor its exaggeration, props, tiresome and tone faltón in a few moments.

The election debate has managed to overcome the situation of the initial (weariness with political citizenship) and that presaged a limited effect on the election of the 10-N. arrival to the debate by the leader of the Vox can achieve again the mobilization of the electorate of the left, above the display, without any kind of flush, of right-wing policies that have not been challenged by the parties of the same block. It produces a competition for the political center, which has as the main loser of the political party that has shifted in recent times (Citizens), and probably to Most Country, the role of mobilizer of the abstention has been overcome by this situation. It may be that this election debate to give a winner, but it does not resolve the doubts about good governance.

2.- Carmen Muñoz

Who has won?

Sanchez. Gives news without the news and advocating a neutral State.

Who has lost?

Married. Gives alternatives, but fails to establish itself as the alternative.

The two-party system has been at the scene. Well it is true that you do not have a lot of merit. Rivera and Churches were left in the previous discussion. Few and others have mixed enemies, to the confusion, but, despite the fire of artifice, the duel was two: Pedro Sanchez and Paul Married. Because Married no longer wanted to be only the leader of the bloc conservative, wanted to be the leader plausible future Government, the antithesis of Sanchez. And that’s why he risked more than the rest, that basically spoke to their electorate while minimizing risks. It lacked a finish and perhaps a better level of contrast with Sánchez. For the rest, the pace has been so fast-paced in any of the blocks that more that a discussion was Pasapalabra. And, instead of words, we had many proposals, deslavazadas and, what is worse is that, with some abuse of the falsehood in the rhetoric.

3.- Joseph Branch

Who has won?

Churches. It has been the only candidate able to know how to segment the different topics of the debate. It has been shown convincingly in the various blocks, emphasizing on the economic, with concrete measures on the housing market, the minimum wage, pensions and tax fraud. It has been unchecked the theme to Catalan, alluding to the plurinational Spanish.

Who has lost?

Rivera. Has been blurred in the discussion. Your problem is that it has wanted to talk about many topics and has not gotten his message stand out among the its opponents on the right.

Paul Married, even though it had a discrete role (and moderate) has been known to swing between the Vox and the center. Pedro Sanchez has gone to tow the rest of the candidates throughout the debate and has not been able to defend his government’s work, reading on too many occasions in a speech that was planned from home. For his part, Santiago Abascal has been a monotema. In all the blocks has insisted on the evil that represents the State of the autonomies of the Spanish. No one has loved or known the answer to Abascal. Doing so will give you more visibility, while not doing so may bring you more momentum.

4.- Yanina Welp

Who has won?

Churches. Without making a lot of fuss you get to differentiate and argue. Near, Married bid by reinstalling the two-party system.

Who has lost?

Rivera. It exhibits in a concentrated the contradictions that has led to your party.

The novelty, Abascal, launched a succession of monologues undemocratic and loaded with lies. The others ignored him. Only Churches countered. Towards the end, the leader of Vox was also discussed with Rivera. The candidate of Citizens and the PP launched criticism for the corruption in their parties, but Married called to order, not to be mistaken for the enemy, and Rivera nodded. For the rest, Married and Sánchez used Catalonia as a main weapon. Except the of United we Can, the proposals for Catalonia is moved on the scale of the penalty. The economy and social policies further fuelled the division right-to-left. Sanchez proposed rule the that get more votes and assumed no responsibility for the repetition of elections. No surprises, no shortage of references to Franco, Venezuela, and revolving doors.

5.- Cristina Ares

Who has won?

Sanchez. Is who more could be lost surrounded by four opponents and, however, kept the tone of the president and also managed to move some constructive proposals.

Who has lost?

Married. Is who else could have won, but could not avoid becoming entangled in their right, despite the fact that the discourse of Abascal would beg to differ and come out strengthened in the eyes of the elector of center.

When my nephews two years ago, I wonder why there were repeated general elections in 2019 I’ll answer that because Spain could afford it: his democracy, in spite of the serious institutional crisis in Catalonia, progressed properly, thanks to their participation in the politics of the European Union and the performance of the autonomous communities in the provision of welfare services. I have to confess to you that we were disenchanted due to polarization. Want to know if in Germany, France or Italy this was not so. I will inform you of that we were a little better, and we didn’t realize; then, we will continue trying to fit the pieces of the same puzzle.

6.- Astrid Neighborhood

Who has won?

Married. You get to set himself up as the alternative to Sanchez, and it does so by emphasizing the economic aspects, which are in that it feels more strong.

Who has lost?

Sanchez. Despite having managed to move an image of the president, has been pointed out by all their opponents as the main responsible of the blockade and the repetition of elections, of the situsituation in Catalonia and the economic slowdown.

it Has been a debate that has dominated the caution for fear of making mistakes. The candidates have tried to emphasize their messages, and have exhibited in detail their policy proposals with the objective of retaining their constituents and decant to the six million undecided. All have exhibited a moderate profile and have been away from the tension, but without sparing criticism of overwhelming their opponents. Nor have they shied away from the melee. But what there has been has been a debate of ideas between the blocks.

7.- Juan Rodríguez

Who has won?

Sanchez. As Married, you make the debate not dishonor the dynamics of this campaign around the voting center that lost Citizens.

Who has lost?

Rivera. Not manages to avoid being overshadowed by the renewed bipolar spindle PP-PSOE. That is why their voters to leave.

This debate will not be decisive in the results of the 10-N, because the leading candidates and what they sought in designing an act prude in a time of midnight. Everything is planned so that no one can make mistakes or expose weaknesses or contradictions, but that also make it hard to rebut some of the falsehoods that Vox was sliding with impunity. For this reason, this format favours the winners tend to be those most likely to lose (Married, Sanchez) and the losers, those who most needed to win (Rivera, Churches). The discussion also leaves us something disturbing: the candidates reflect the total absence of incentives election to face frank and decidedly the main political crisis that will face the day after. And is that also, it was a good place to talk seriously of Catalonia.

8.- José Moisés Martín

Who has won?

Sanchez, for points. Has been able to withstand the onslaught, particularly hard, Married and dodge the traps dialectics of Churches. Has known the answer to the opposition by pointing out its contradictions and mark your own priorities.

Who has lost?

Rivera. Irrelevant, calling attention unnecessarily, looking for a role that is not accompanied with proposals and reasoning solvents.

The debate has been gaining pace, with a very direct confrontation between Married and Sanchez, and a Churches looking for the contradictions of the PSOE, which has achieved a success uneven. Married he has been leader of the opposition, with messages and suggestions that would have deserved a response more forceful, while Sanchez has had a position of centrality, to receive the most criticism. Rivera has continued the trajectory begun in April, erratic, implausible, and without solid arguments. The white elephant in the room has been Abascal, to that barely no one has answered in his festival of absurdities, and that in large part is addressed only to public and not to the rest of the leaders.

9.- Ignacio Molina

Who has won?

Abascal. Very effective when addressing their potential voters without anyone desmontase their arguments.

Who has lost?

Rivera. Lost the last great opportunity of the campaign to break its dynamics to the low.

it Is possible that Sanchez, Married and Churches not to lose many votes in the debate, but hardly earned. In contrast, the leader of Vox, which was premiered as a party standard, was effective. Moderate and more radical than ever in the background, he wanted to and knew how to fish in new fishing grounds. This is no longer just a flag, hunting, bullfighting, low taxes, and criticism of feminism, but who took the sweet time to rehearse in front of the camera a program that makes you closer to the populist right and eurófoba of other countries: protectionism, sovereignty, criticism increasingly less veiled to the EU and positions openly anti-immigration. Abascal took advantage of the double advantage that hardly anyone will desmontase their slogans, and exaggerations or that, in the few cases that the rest of the candidates he faced, came out great. Rivera was in the opposite position. Very sunk in the polls, the debate was a sort of mule that tried to play, but lost.

10.- Jorge Tuñón

Who has won?

Sanchez. It showed institutional, minimized risks and overcome without much trouble, a debate that never was complicated.

Who has lost?

Rivera. Was lost sight of and was not able to overcome (at least in sensations) surveys.

A debate to five does not usually win by KO, but to the point. The candidates seek to secure their constituents to avoid the abstention and, only on occasion, to dive into the bank of the undecided. Go out not to lose rather than to win. This has been the case this Monday. We had a debate virtually zero, white glove, and with a few scratches. The champ (Sanchez) retained the title with more ease than expected. In block progressive, Churches basted an intellectual discourse, but that will be hard to mobilize new voters, while Sanchez showed purposeful and institutional, without entering the cloth to the stakes of the right. In block conservative, Abascal, right in the forms, he insisted monotonously repeating in placing their agenda of measures ultras, while Rivera was more resigned and decaffeinated that in previous discussions and he left the leadership of the bloc of rights to a Married more combative, but also more rough.

This article has been prepared by Public Agenda for THE COUNTRY


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