Heidi Joline has been working for almost 20 years as a nanny. At first she was very unsure as to whether this could be the Job for you. Many people from your environment it is not understood how she could take care of professionally to the children of rich people. Therefore, Heidi cashed in on a regular basis the question :” Oh, you work as a nanny? When you find a real Job?”

you switched to an office job – but for a very long time. Your work is not liked. She started again as a nanny, reported the woman to the TV channel “CNN”. Because she realized that This Job could be considerably more lucrative than I thought.

In the United States, there is a layer of well-heeled parents spend for the Welfare and prosperity of all, the development of their children vast sums. In order to get one of the very well paid Jobs, you must bring it for the kids but also a lot of things. Well-trained nannies with specialization, certification, are required knowledge and experience language. “We have a lot of requests for Mandarin – speaking and French-speaking, working as a nanny,” says Keith Greenhouse, CEO of the household staff company Pavillion Agency to “CNN”. “Lately, people want, more than ever, someone who is technically versed and as a nanny can also take on the role as family assistant.”

job nanny “For no money in the world” – a Nanny of the super-rich out of grabs

The super-rich to afford the like to a highly qualified nanny with extraordinary profile. Such a super nanny now reports of the downsides of the job.

nannies develop curricula

The work itself is exhausting, the agencies know. “It is important to pay employees well, especially if you are living in your household,” says Anita Rogers, founder of British American Household Staffing. In New York or Los Angeles nanny can earn between 150,000 and 180,000 dollars per year. “Families in the San Francisco numbers over 220,000 dollars per year,” says Rogers.

The parents expect the nanny to settle the Little ones in front of the TV, but to Learn and connect with each other. Pre-school teachers to develop plans, also belongs to the tasks.

squatting by the nanny, The Nanny from hell By Gernot Kramper

pre-school teachers, a significantly smaller salary, the Bureau of labor Statistics, earn in the USA. Between 15 and 30 dollars per hour, the teacher for the Little ones to get in the year, that adds up to around $ 30,000. A nanny comes to 25 to 40 dollars. According to Ryan Jordan, the founder of Educated Nannies, can it be in Los Angeles up to 70 dollars an hour. Up to ten hours of the day, the nannies are in use, and the six days of the week.

Gwen Stefani and co.: The Nanny as a relationship killer Fullscreen

in early August filed for singer Gwen Stefani after 13 years of marriage, the divorce of musician Gavin Rossdale. As the reason the 46-Year-old “irreconcilable differences”. As the American magazine “Us Weekly” reported, now, to Rossdale have cheated on his wife with the nanny Mindy’s husband, worked for many years for the Couple.

©Bryan Bedder/ for L. A. M. B. Splash From nannies to domestic help,

This Heidi Joline get a rich content, it has formed more: courses for the children’s education at the prestigious Yale University, children’s health at Stanford University, certificates in child psychology, newborn care, and also the resilience to trauma has been studied Joline. For that she gets a minimum of $ 30 per hour, she says to “CNN”.

Overtime are paid extra, when it comes to travel, will pay the family for it. So, she gets more than $ 100,000 a year. However, they had to invent in its long career, again and again, because the Trends in Children’s drawings are also subject to fashions. Movements, Learning, nutrition – always new Trends to come to you. “What we did five years ago, with our children, is not what we are doing now in terms of nutrition, socialization, education and General well-being. So you need to keep in step, in order to inform the parents,” she says.

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in the Meantime, the child in the school, Heidi Joline now moves from the pure Nanny-activities in the role of a family assistant. You buy, get the clothes from the Laundry, cooks the meals. And if the dog to the vet, takes on the now.

The skills of Heidi Joline did not remain undetected: The International Nanny Association named it in 2019 for the Nanny of the year.

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