No show, no premieres, no awards: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, numerous film festivals cannot take place this year. The YouTube video platform offers a replacement. As announced on Monday, Google’s subsidiary launched the ten-day online event “We Are One: A Global Film Festival”. From May 29 to June 7, 2024, new content and classics are to be shown on the platform.

A total of 20 partners are involved in the virtual film festival, according to YouTube . These include the International Film Festival in Cannes and Venice, the Toronto International Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival and the Tribeca Film Festival as well as the Berlinale. The latter says on Facebook : “We believe in the creative power and magic of cinema. And the idea of solidarity. ”

“We Are One: A Global Film Festival” is a free YouTube event, which should include music, comedy and panel discussions in addition to feature films, short films and documentaries.


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