Again this week, further easing of measures against the coronavirus was made. Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Laschet (CDU) continues to pursue the course of gradual easing in the corona crisis. But not all politicians in North Rhine-Westphalia agree with the Prime Minister’s approach

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the state government’s guidelines in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus are being relaxed step by step. “In the democratic constitutional state, it is a matter, of course, to give people back their freedom rights as soon as this is possible after weighing up all relevant aspects,” Laschet justified to the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”. Further steps should be taken if medical criteria allow it or social and economic aspects make it necessary.

Laschet himself had called for a return to “responsible normality”. He had also warned “to weigh up better between the decommissioning of public life and the damage caused by the closures”.

Laschet is certain that compliance with distance and hygiene rules is more proportionate than the general arrangement of closures: “Where openings are responsible, we should enable them carefully, carefully, groping and at the same time make it clear in which area no openings are currently possible are, ”Laschet told the newspaper. However, not all politicians in the state agree to Laschet’s crisis management. Anton Hofreiter from the Greens, for example, criticized Laschet’s corona crisis management. “I found his suggestions for quick opening to be partly irresponsible,” Hofreiter told the “Welt” in an interview. “There were some confusing numbers and terms: R-value, doubling time and the number of infected people.” Hofreiter also criticized that it would be more reasonable if Laschet had “read more”.


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