Repetitions particularly weak

The RTL dome show “Bauer sucht Frau International, is currently struggling with manageable quotas. The competition on Sunday evening with “crime scene” and feature films is tough, but RTL is hardly used to a market share of less than ten percent. At ProSieben, even the film “Kingsman: The Golden Circle”, which was only broadcast in September, was significantly stronger, as the industry portal “DWDL” reports . Because the reruns broadcast in the morning program are even less popular (less than six percent of the market), the station is now changing its program: the reruns will be broadcast on late Sunday evening, right after the current “Bauer sucht Frau International” programs.

Instead of the repetitions on Sunday morning, RTL will in future be repeating “The Super Dealers – 4 Rooms, 1 Deal”. New episodes of the junk show are on Sunday evening right in front of “Bauer sucht Frau, to be seen internationally – most recently they achieved a market share of around 13 percent according to” DWDL “ , the repetition in the morning only lasted around 7 percent.

Regardless of the broadcast date, you can stream all episodes on TVNOW on demand.

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(elm / spot)



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