Friday, May 10, 2024

Now it gets even thicker: GEZ hammer in corona times.

Many things are different, but not others, you want to say, if you look at the plans of the public service broadcasters. In the midst of times of total corona depression, in which millions of people worry about their financial future every...

Sarah Lombardi: is her boyfriend Julian Büscher just taking advantage of her?

Pretty Sarah Lombardi has had a new friend for some time. But does Julian Büscher (27) only use the attractive and prominent Sarah? Could Sarah Lombardi even fall into a nasty love trap now? Once again Sarah Lombardo is happy and in...

Cruises: An industry suffers total loss

You lie still, the deserted ocean liners on the lines of the quay walls. Hardly any business has grown as much as that of cruises in recent years. 900,000 passengers ran into Hamburg last year alone, ten times as many as in...

Corona hammer: virus from China laboratory!

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says there is "tremendous evidence" showing that the Corona Virus comes from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. It is a laboratory in which the Chinese researched deadly corona strains of bats. He accuses the Beijing government of...

Dwayne Johnson advises children to stay “positive” in the Corona crisis

Kid's Choice Awards 2024 US actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (48, "San Andreas") received the evening's first prize at the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards on Saturday evening (May 2), as the young man's favorite film actor. The action star used his acceptance...