Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Daria myasina
Director of the research Institute of emergency care named Sklifosovsky Sergey Petrikov urged residents of the capital to adhere to the recommendations in isolation. In addition, he urged Muscovites not to go out and stay home, reports the Agency “Moscow”.
“about the compliance distance of 1.5–2 meters between people – it is believed that at a close distance of transmission is much more active, and higher risk of infection. Therefore it is better to stay at home and without the need to leave,” he said.
According to the city, for a better understanding of the situation of the people must at least once think about death and realize that self-isolation is not a punishment but was meant to save people’s lives.
Previously, the city authorities have announced a week from 28 March to 5 April after hours in connection with the threat of the spread of the novel coronavirus. In Moscow have cancelled all entertainment, sporting and cultural events. In addition, close all the cafes and restaurants.
on the Eve of the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin imposed restrictions on movement around the city because of the situation with the spread COVID-19. In particular, the mayor ordered the observance of the isolation the citizens of all ages. In addition, in the near future will be introduced a system of special passes that will allow residents to leave the house. The CEO is obliged to abide by the social distance of 1.5 meters.
According to the latest who data, the world is already infected more than 638 thousand people, more than 30 thousand died. In Russia recorded more than 1.5 thousand cases, recovered 64, died 8 civilians.
What kind of punishment can impose for violation of the regime of self-isolation
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