The arm of iron is lost for the elect and the inhabitants of the White. Despite their strong engagement, the maternity of this commune of the Indre, Agnès Buzyn had called it ” dangerous “, will close its doors permanently in the next few days, has confirmed Friday, October 19, the regional agency of health.

the Last instance, have to decide, the supervisory board of the hospital of Châteauroux, which depends on the maternity ward, voted in the middle of the day closure of the maternity ward, by ten votes to. Four members voted against. “This is the end of the consultation process instances “, commented the ARS, that ” it is now to make an order to validate the whole process (…) in the next few days “.

also Read :   Blanc, in the Indre, maternity relief

Suspension since June

births to White, town of 6,500 residents, had been suspended in June and until the end of October because of the ” lack of staff “. Women expected to give birth had been directed to Châteauroux, Poitiers and Châtellerault, more than an hour’s drive away.

At the beginning of October, an expert report commissioned by the regional agency had pointed to “collective practices non-compliant” and advocated the opening of a centre of perinatal care, without deliveries. Last week, three gynaecologists-obstetricians, however, had presented a revival project deliveries.

“deliveries in cars”

The agreement of the hospital has fanned Friday, the wrath of the defenders of the maternity, the first of which included local elected officials, of which twenty had given their resignation to the prefect last week. In the afternoon, about forty members of the collective C not tomorrow the day before, composed of residents, have invested the premises of the ARS in Orleans.

Read also :   White, mayors ready to resign to save the maternity

“to arrange the closure of the service so that it can no longer operate,” said Claire Moreau, a member of the collective. She who has given birth three times at the maternity ward of the White fears now ” deliveries in cars.” “We only have a single maternity in the Indre to 224 000 inhabitants, compared to four in the Dear to 308 000 inhabitants “, recalled Jean-Michel Mols, president of the historical committee of defense of motherhood.

The collective, fearing that now the total closure of the hospital, claims a new audit of the maternity and an appointment with the minister of health, Agnes Buzyn. On Tuesday, the minister had felt that the maternity ward was ” dangerous “, citing “very bad practice” is updated. The remarks of the minister of health are ” of an extreme violence. This is moral harassment. She has done a huge amount wrong with the dedicated staff, attentive, competent, ” responded Annick Gombert, mayor socialist of White.


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