The Austrian artist Lili Paul-Roncalli (22) made it into the finale of “Let’s Dance”. Together with professional dancer Massimo Sinató (39), she wants to get the dance trophy in front of Luca Hänni (25) and Moritz Hans (24) on Friday (May 22, 8:15 p.m. at RTL, also via TVNow ). “Being in the final feels incredible. I still can’t believe it and I’m overjoyed, ”Paul-Roncalli reveals in an interview with the news agency spot on news. For the last woman in the finalists field, the show has been an emotional roller coaster ride in the past few weeks.

The contemporary, the magic moment and the tango at the beginning of the season were very special for her and were her favorite dances. “The most difficult moment was definitely the Charleston in Show 10,” reveals Paul-Roncalli. “During the rehearsals, Massimo and I had a head collision – you literally can’t get this out of your head.”

The semi-final, however, was the most emotional. “On the one hand, there was the contemporary, in which I tried to dance the feelings I currently have when I think that our circus and variety show [due to the corona pandemic, note d. Red.] May not play. That also affects me emotionally, ”explains Paul-Roncalli, who comes from the famous Roncalli circus family. In addition, there was the “Impro-Dance” in the semi-finals, where I pulled the ‘Traumata’ Charleston. And of course in the end the announcement that I’m in the final with Massimo, ”said the 22-year-old.

In the finale, the artist wants to “give everything again with her dance partner. Now I want to really entertain people again and show what development I have taken. “Together they would have devised a great freestyle. “I hope the audience and the jury like it.”

She takes something crucial for her personally from the show: “I learned to dance! I couldn’t do that before and I really enjoy it. And also some friendships with other candidates, with the team and of course with my dance teacher and dance partner Massimo. ”She also believes that dancing will continue to accompany her in her life. “Maybe we will include it in our shows in the circus and variety show. We also have a ballet there. Or we design a great event with our Roncalli event department. ”


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