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the Ministry of health has addressed to Russians with an appeal to abstain from alcohol during the period of the spread of coronavirus infection. The chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of health Yevgeny Bryun is strongly recommended to avoid alcohol, according to “Gazeta.ru”.
In particular, specialist called the myth of the faith of the Russians in the decontamination effect of alcohol on the body.
“Hands can be washed of any alcoholic beverage, and they will clean it really was. But if the alcohol is inside, it doesn’t work because, Bessarabia esophagus, eyes, nose and Airways remain infected,” explained Brun.
According to him, in terms of the pandemic alcohol and is contraindicated, because it causes a toxic effect on any contaminated surface.
“And it’s getting worse, slowed recovery. First, alcohol does not prevent anything. Secondly, and even exacerbates”, – said the psychiatrist.
Earlier, the community members suggested that Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to impose a restriction on the sale of alcohol in connection with the pandemic coronavirus. The idea is that the citizen for one trip to the store to buy more litres of alcohol stronger than nine degrees. According to the initiative, such a ban should be in force until 1 may.
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