Senna Gammour has announced on Instagram that she will release a new song. The single "My Tulips" is scheduled for release on May 14th. In her story, the former "Monrose" singer explained what it was about.

“At some point everyone gets to the point where they say, 'I hate that I love'. At some point you want to tear your heart out … When you are ready, you are ready for a fresh start. "

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Senna Gammour? (@missgammour) on May 12, 2024 at 11:12 p.m.

Career as a solo artist

"I'm really excited. But that's always me when a new single comes, ”Senna added. From 2006-2011 the 40-year-old was part of the girl band "Monrose". At the beginning of the year, the Berliner from Wahl reported back with the tracks "Fuckboy" and "Anders real". Now her third solo song is released.


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