A fountain was the trigger

US star Sharon Stone (62, "Casino") spoke in the podcast "Films to be Buried With" about an accident that she will remember forever: The actress was struck by lightning. “We had our own well at home,” explains Stone, who grew up in Pennsylvania. “I filled the iron with water, with one hand on the tap and the other on the iron. Then the well was struck by lightning and it came to me through the water. ”She had been hurled through the kitchen and at the fridge. "I just thought: 'Wow,' Stone describes the intense moment.

Her mother then drove her to the hospital. “The EKG showed such electricity in my body that I had to have an EKG exam every day for ten days. It was crazy, ”Stone said. Stone didn't tell how old she was in the accident. The actress emphasized that she was "incredibly lucky to be alive." Because it was not the first time that Stone was in mortal danger: in an accident, as a 14-year-old, she almost pulled herself through a clothesline Cut to. In 2001 Sharon Stone survived a severe stroke.



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