Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow Maxim Denisov
the Moscow branch of the registry office canceled the ceremony of marriage registration in hours a week, reports the Agency “Moscow”.
“Usually the marriage in a solemn ceremony held under the musical accompaniment of Mendelssohn’s March, the host of the ceremony said a congratulatory speech to the newlyweds, the couple exchanged rings, and the certificate of registration of the marriage is awarded to spouses and guests congratulate the newlyweds”, – stated in the message.
In connection with threat of distribution coronaviruses infection, it was decided to refuse such ceremonies. In the departments and the Palace of marriage will only work duty employees in order to avoid congestion of people.
it is Noted that the already planned activities will be carried out in netorzhestvennoy atmosphere and no guests.
Mode of registry offices of Moscow was changed from March 28. It was reported that state services can now be booked through a Single portal of public services. Also, the institutions have been informed that for registration of marriage can be no more than five people. If desired, couples can postpone the ceremony to a later date.
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