The state Duma adopted a law allowing the Cabinet to impose a state of emergency

Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

Deputies of the state Duma adopted a law that gives the government the right to impose modes of alert or emergency throughout the country. This is stated on the website of the lower house of Parliament.

In the explanatory document States that the law is partly aimed at regulating relations arising in connection with the need for emergency response to challenges related to the spread of coronavirus.

the Cabinet Also gets the opportunity to coordinate a unified state system of prevention and liquidation of emergencies, list causes of this situation is complemented by the “spread of the disease, representing a danger to others”. Even the law allows in case of emergency or when there is a threat of infection to others to restrict the retail sale of medicines as they prepared the list for a period of not more than 90 days.

the government is allowed to make public procurement from a single supplier and to amend the terms of the contract and its price. The Cabinet also receives a possibility “in exceptional cases” to impose a moratorium on the initiation of bankruptcy cases.

Vladimir Putin has signed a law that allows the government to regulate the prices of medicines and other medical products. The law will operate in conditions of emergency or threat of spread of epidemics like pandemic coronavirus. According to the document, the government may set a maximum price level for all medications and medical devices. The validity of the restriction cannot last more than 90 days.

in addition, the government has the right monitoring price increases. Restriction can be set only in the case that the price for medicines will grow more than 30% in several regions of Russia.

on March 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin has urged to toughen punishment for the sale of counterfeit drugs. In addition, on 25 March, the Council of the FederationAI approved the law on fines for selling fake drugs.

According to who, in the world of coronavirus infected more than 697 thousand people, more than 33 thousand died.

see also

state Duma adopted the law on state regulation of prices for medicines in epidemiology approved the list of medical products with a special order of state registration