Interview with Kathie Rezalou

The Spring Festival and Oktoberfest fun falls in 2024 due to the coronavirus pandemic. The wearing of the beloved traditional costume must be postponed until the coming year. But that doesn’t mean that dirndls and lederhosen should immediately disappear into the back corner of the wardrobe. On the contrary: If you want to have something of your traditional costume for a long time, you should keep it correctly. Dirndl designer Kathie Rezalou has the most important tips ready.

“For everyone who wants to store their costume by next year, we recommend cleaning and washing the clothing beforehand,” explains the owner of the Munich-based label Alpenprinzessin in an interview with spot on news. A dirndl should then “best wrapped in tissue paper”. “This is good protection against creases,” says Rezalou. To keep moths out, she recommends packing the dirndl in a garment bag and adding a lavender scented bag. That leaves “a pleasant, fresh fragrance”.

Due to the natural material, lederhosen are particularly sensitive, according to Rezalou. The designer advises: “Never store lederhosen in the basement, attic or attic!” The leather could quickly become moldy due to the moisture. Instead simply put the traditional trousers “hanging on a hanger in the closet at room temperature”.

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(eee / spot)



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