"Fell asleep peacefully"

Cult singer Werner Böhm (1941-2020, "Polonäse Blankenese") is dead. The singer, who became famous through his pseudonym Gottlieb Wendehals, died in the night of Wednesday in his house in Gran Canaria. His wife Susanne is said to have confirmed this. According to the newspaper, Susanne Böhm said: “Werner fell asleep peacefully in Gran Canaria. I am very sad."

The married couple, who had been married since 1995, last lived separately; Werner Böhm only moved to Gran Canaria in early 2024. He is said to have had a girlfriend there, who found him dead in his apartment on Tuesday.

Werner Böhm became famous in Germany with his role as Gottlieb Wendehals in the 1980s. In 1981 he landed at number one on the German charts with the song “Polonaise Blankenese. He died three days before his 79th birthday. An autopsy should clarify the exact cause of death.



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