Lose weight in three steps

Brigitte Bardot (85), Juliette Binoche (56, “Chocolat”), Catherine Deneuve (76), Eva Green (39), Sophie Marceau (53) and Audrey Tautou (43) – they are all elegant, beautiful and French. Not that the latter automatically includes the first two attributes, but French women are often associated with a certain sense of style and body. A diet named after the French capital promises quick weight loss in three appetizing steps: café, bistro, gourmet.

The diet was conceived by the French nutrition expert Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, who takes a more conscious approach to eating. For this, the author took a look at the eating habits of the French women and developed a menu divided into three phases. In the first two phases, the weight should be reduced, in the last phase, indulgence can be indulged.

The cafe phase lasts about eight to ten days and is probably the most strenuous of the three. Because the focus here is on liquid and mushy dishes. Cold-pressed juices, smoothies, vegetable purees and soups are part of the menu. Sure, that one or the other cravings are threatening – girls hold out! It is important to consume sufficient fluids such as water, unsweetened tea and black coffee – cafe phase, we remember. Since the body has to cope with an abruptly lower calorie intake, it can lead to listlessness and fatigue. Exercising is therefore absolutely taboo. One or the other light yoga practice can not hurt.

The bistro phase sounds like more – and it is. According to Duden, a bistro describes “a small, usually simpler eatery that also offers smaller dishes”. The emphasis here is on “smaller dishes”. Phase two lasts two to three weeks and makes the menu a little more varied. The focus is on a protein-based diet, carbohydrates and fat remain reduced. Fish, chicken, eggs or soy products are ideal and fresh fruits and vegetables also provide the body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

So that there are no cravings, it is important to eat enough fiber. Delicious dishes with legumes, linseed and carrots also stimulate digestion. Now you can do more sports again.

Here the name says it all: In the third and last phase, the signs are feasting. Of course, this does not mean that from now on, uninhibitedly stuff chips and co. In principle, there are no rules in the gourmet phase, but you should pay attention to a few things to keep your well-being weight long-term. It is important to eat food slowly and consciously and not to gobble it up, no matter how big the hunger. If you can’t resist and have eaten a larger plate of pasta, you should “slim down” elsewhere, for example avoid a dessert. The Parisian diet describes this as a “recovery plan”.



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