earthquake, Disaster, the mother of all defeats – in the annotation to the output of the Bavaria election was a ring in the superlatives series. But so superlative was this review, relatively are the consequences. Even if nothing more is as it was, all stay where you are. Markus Söder Bavarian state Chancellery, Horst Seehofer, Federal Ministry of the interior, Andrea Nahles at the top of the SPD and Jogi Löw, coach of the national team.

can’t for the Bavarian election results, but for everything else already. For the lousy mood in the country, because we shall be liable in a fairy tale summer, but no summer fairy tale. For the increasing unpopularity of Angela Merkel, because she could not show with images from the locker room of #DieMannschaft, such as #fedidwgugl we are. For the rise of the Greens, because – if it is to save on the Green nothing is going to save the Germans, at least the Green light and the climate.

you will find it far-fetched to blame Löw all in the shoes? To explain well, now Horst Seehofer for the debacle of the government in Bavaria and in Berlin as the sole culprit, as it is now done across the Grand coalition parties, similar to hair-tugging. The loss of confidence in the Grand coalition, the desolation of the SPD, which Merkel fatigue of the CDU is, if for all the Seehofer responsible, then he would be the most powerful man in Germany. A, the Chancellor of the inside and people can destroy parties.

to run the Nimbus of the not broken ability, Merkel has not destroyed Seehofer, but your own inability to make the Jamaica-negotiations a success. A Chancellor, who had to rely on an SPD, which wanted everything, just not join the government, may not be a strong Chancellor. You must keep the coalition partners happy, and it is not sufficient to give him a disproportionately high number of ministries.

The social Democrats fail to turn in the government are not the quarrels of Horst Seehofer, but to yourself. So you have made all of the crises within the Union at the end of their crises. The last time was observed in the case Maaßen.

Horst Seehofer is not Almighty, but a politician who was asked in Bavaria and after Berlin is gone, because he wants to emit a couple of last light in his career twilight. So To Speak, Goethe. Whose last words were “More light.”


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