The federal government is currently busy discussing a special subsidy for families in the Corona crisis. In all likelihood, the one-time child bonus of 300 euros per child will actually become a reality. But apparently not all parents will enjoy the money. Because the way things are right now. some parents may also have to forego the bonus.

The child bonus in the Corona crisis is almost a done deal. Every child entitled to child benefit should receive a one-off payment of 300 euros. The federal government wants to use this money to support families financially. The bonus is part of an economic stimulus package that the government decided on June 4. But now it seems clear that not all families in Germany will benefit from this welcome injection. There are actually families who go out empty-handed. Because according to the plans of the federal government, the money will be offset against the child allowances in the income tax return. Especially for people with a slightly higher income, the child allowances have a relief on the taxes to be paid. “Only from an income of more than 85,900 euros will the allowances for 2024 have a tax-reducing effect beyond child benefit,” explains one expert. For unmarried parents, this limit is 42,950 euros. In practice, this means: “From this income, the child bonus initially paid will be offset against the income tax return 2024. As a result, the proposed bonus only benefits parents with low and middle incomes, ”explains Uwe Rauhöft from the Bundesverband Lohnsteuerhilfevereine (BVL). Only if they do not exceed the income limit.

A practical example shows that higher earners do not benefit from the bonus. A family with two children does not benefit from the children’s bonus if the children’s parents earn around EUR 90,000 a year. This sum is based on a monthly income of 3,300 euros (gross), which is achieved fairly quickly with two full-earners. The payment offers a real cash advantage especially for low earners and Hartz IV recipients. “Unmarried parents benefit in full from the children’s bonus up to an income of around EUR 33,900. Married parents benefit up to an income limit of EUR 67,800, ”says Rauthöft. However, recipients of social benefits such as Hartz IV or housing benefit do not go away empty-handed. These people receive the 300 euros in full, in addition to their approved standard rates. The federal government plans to pay a one-off payment of 300 euros per child. The payment itself should be linked to the child benefit and divided into 3 payments of 100 euros each. In this case, the child benefit to be paid would increase by 100 euros for 3 months.



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