Germany in the stranglehold of Corona! Fast measures that also reach people are now required. The federal government has now taken some important decisions!

The Federal Government has decided to make access to social benefits easier in the Corona crisis. The social protection package agreed in a cabinet meeting on Wednesday provides for a whole series of improvements – a longer duration of unemployment benefits, higher short-time work benefits for employees who depend on this support in the longer term, and further benefits in addition to short-time work benefits. The coalition committee had agreed on these measures last week.

The package also provides additional support for parents who have been particularly hard hit by the crisis. In this way, children and schoolchildren who are dependent on survival benefits should continue to receive a warm lunch even if the daycare center and school are closed due to a pandemic. The drawing of orphan's pensions and accident pensions is to be made easier. When approving the basic security, the assets of small businesses or solo self-employed, for example, should not be temporarily taken into account.

The package should be brought into the German Bundestag next week and adopted by mid-May 2024, said CSU spokesman for the CSU in the Bundestag, Stephan Stracke. "With the Social Protection Package II, we are launching further Corona aid and are opening up the existing rescue and protection umbrella even further."

pw / © Agence France-Presse



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