In times of catastrophe and crisis, it is good to know that German citizens can rely on the Bundeswehr. Because even during the pandemic, the Bundeswehr is helping to keep the spread of the dangerous virus at bay. In Saxony in particular, the members of the troops worked together with the civil authorities.

What can even the best army do against an enemy if the enemy is invisible and not afraid of firearms? Well, the Bundeswehr is doing everything in its power to help the civilian authorities curb the corona virus. The help of the Bundeswehr has a high priority, especially among politicians, since the deployment of the troops, above all, helps to avoid personnel bottlenecks in the civilian authorities.

In Frankenberg, Saxony, the uniformed men also work hand in hand with the civilian population. In the barracks there they are busy making the area “disease-proof”. This can be clearly seen at an on-site appointment in the Wettiner barracks. Saxony’s largest military base employs around 900 soldiers.

Brigadier General Gunnar Brügner (52) is the commander of several locations that are also located in several federal states. And in its subordinate units, experience with the corona virus has already been gathered. “We had several cases of illness on the staff,” explains the general. “Fortunately, only mild courses, everyone is healthy again. Because we reacted so quickly and very consistently, we got a grip on it, ”Brügner says, relieved. Since then, fighting the virus has been high on the soldiers’ agenda. “We took preventive measures early,” explains the brigadier over a cup of coffee.

Now that the daily routine in the barracks has been optimally adjusted to prevent the spread of the corona virus, the troop is currently taking on further tasks. The focus is on administrative assistance for the federal and state governments. As the general explains, they are able to be ready for administrative assistance at any chosen location in Germany within 72 hours. Many of the soldiers under his command are already actively involved in this matter. Citizens in particular can therefore be sure that the Bundeswehr can always be used for the interests of the civilian population even in times of the corona pandemic.



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