Capital: € 200,000
Age: 46
Born: 02/26/1974
Country of origin: Germany
Source of wealth: Entrepreneurs
Last updated: 2024

Short introduction

Christian (Chris) Töpperwien became known at the latest when he moved into the 13th RTL jungle camp in early 2019. To the jungle king at “I’m a star – get me out of here!” it wasn’t enough. Previously, he had appeared in numerous television formats such as taff, Brisant or Punkt 12.

Early life

Chris Töpperwien comes from Neuss near Düsseldorf. He was born on February 26, 1974. After completing his high school diploma at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, Chris Töpperwien began his professional career in his uncle’s snack shop. For around a year and a half he headed the “Iss was” branch in Cologne’s Kaufhof. He then started an apprenticeship as an office communication specialist, which he successfully completed in 1996. In 2003 he founded an advertising agency in Cologne.


The documentary soap series “Goodbye Germany! The Emigrants ”on the Vox television channel was the start of Chris Töpperwien’s television career. In several episodes, Vox reported on living and working as a “Currywurstmann” in Los Angeles. In 2011 he emigrated to the USA to fulfill a dream. On the west coast of the USA, he initially wanted to make a living with silver jewelry and the Silverangels label. When he failed, he switched to gastronomy. With the “No. 1 Currywurst Truck ”he brought the German currywurst to the USA in Los Angeles in 2012 and was well received. He bought several currywurst trucks to make the German currywurst known throughout America. Chris Töpperwein has also expanded his business into a franchise system and expanded it to two licensees in the US state of Florida. In 2016, the “Currywurstmann” was accused of fraud by its investors for allegedly selling counterfeit shares. The public prosecutor’s office stopped the investigation. In 2016 Töpperwien released his debut single There’s Nothing Like California Sun at Xtreme Sound in Cologne, which did not make it onto the charts.

Career highlights

After going through the emigration show “Goodbye Germany!” became known, Chris Töpperwien appeared on several television programs. Amongst others at taff, Abenteuer Leben Spezial, on breakfast television on Sat.1, Brisant, Drehscheibe Deutschland or Punkt 12. In 2016 he reached the RTL game show “Das Sommerhaus der Stars – Kampf der Promipaare” together with his then wife Magdalèna Kalley third place. In January 2019, Chris Töpperwien was a candidate for the thirteenth season of “I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here!”, Taking 6th place there. He then took part in the jungle special from “The Perfect Celebrity Dinner”. At the end of January 2019, he started his own show on RTL 2 “Success in 90 days – emigration with Chris Töpperwien”. The program is discontinued after five episodes.

Famous quotes

“I want to be the currywurst man of America. When someone says ‘the sausage in America’ I want my face to be next to it. ”

“Only visionaries become millionaires! This is the case in many areas. Of course, becoming a millionaire or getting rich is primarily about money! The subconscious also plays a major role here. You have to keep telling yourself that money is great. That money can make many things possible. And in my eyes, money makes you happy with all these options! Anyone who says otherwise has never owned money. ”

Success tips

“You have to be flexible. Who is too good to work hard will not be successful ”

“Always stay focused! Pursuing his goal is essential. The straight path counts. Detours are only complicated and lead to nothing or cost time and money. The focus MUST be on the DIRECT WAY – come what may! It ALWAYS continues! ”

“Even if you go broke, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the idea or the way was wrong. Maybe it was the wrong time or the wrong contacts and partners you worked with. Keep going and never give up is the MOST IMPORTANT. ”


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