During her time in the English royal family, Meghan managed to lose the symphaties from many members of the royal family. But that of all things Princess Anne, the only daughter of the Queen to join Meghan, is definitely a surprise. Because actually Princess Anne is considered an old school lady.

Criticism is actually not a problem for Duchess Meghan. Because now Meghan is not only in the crossfire of her own family, but also many members of the English royal family criticize Meghan’s behavior. The Duchess has just settled in the United States with Prince Harry, and new reviews are hailing from across the Atlantic. And this time it is the otherwise rather quiet Princess Anne that Meghan has on the kicker. Now Princess Anne has shot in an interview against her married niece. According to Princess Anne, the new Royal generation is looking for “too much the public” with its charity work. It is hardly acceptable that this ruffle targets Prince William and Duchess Kate, who perform their appearances in the service of the English crown reliably and unobtrusively. So only Prince Harry and Meghan are left. “Nowadays it’s often just about doing things differently. I think you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Certain things just don’t work. Don’t forget the basics, ”says Princess Anne.

It is not yet clear why Anne decided to settle with Meghan right now. Because the two women have something in common. Like Meghan, Anne had emancipated herself from the palace at an early stage and built up a career as a successful rider. Like Meghan, Anne has had a failed marriage. After more than 20 years, the marriage came from her husband Mark Phillips, with whom Anne has two children. And Anne is also very often involved in charitable causes. The difference apparently lies in the fact that Anne makes her appearances diligently without attracting attention. Apparently it annoyed Anne that Meghan always made a big show out of her appearances and also often picked the raisins out of the events to be completed. But there still seems to be hope that Meghan will focus on the essentials. At the moment, in any case, she was making her charity contribution to the corona crisis with Harry in LA. Even without hanging it on the big bell.


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