In fact, cannabis is particularly popular in the drug scene. But it is now known that cannabis has a medicinal effect in various areas of application. Canadian researchers now want to find out that cannabis can also be used to fight the corona virus.

Since the medical efficacy of cannabis has been clearly demonstrated, Canadian researchers hoped to find other uses.

Dr. Igor Kovalchuk, professor of life sciences at the University of Lethbride, and other university researchers have now published their assumptions about the effects of the “Cannabis Sativa” plant. According to the researchers’ results, the plant’s active ingredients should help block the entry gates that the infectious virus uses to penetrate the human body. The scientists came to this knowledge when researching other diseases. On the television station “Deutsche Welle” Kovalchuk says: “The results on Covid-19 come from our studies on arthritis, Crohn’s disease, cancer and other diseases.”

Articles show researchers that certain cannabis ingredients reprogram human cell receptors. This would prevent the virus from entering the body.

The ACE2 receptors, which are important for infection with the coronavirus, are found in the lung tissue, in the oral and nasal mucus, in the kidneys, in the testicles and also in the gastrointestinal tract. Changing these receptors could be a breakthrough against the coronavirus. Kovalchuk: “If there is no ACE2 in the tissue, the virus cannot penetrate”. Scientists’ research is limited to the “Cannabis Sativa” plant, which contains a particularly high proportion of cannabidiol. From the strains of this plant, the researchers were able to produce more than 800 new variants, all of which have an exceptionally high CBD content. Her research is expected to show that 13 extracts could help prevent the coronavirus from entering the human body. The theory of Kovalchuk and his team will now be checked by other researchers. However, Canadians are already certain that cannabidiol is an effective supplement in the treatment of corona patients.



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