Recently, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have settled in Los Angeles. For Meghan Markle, a familiar environment that allows her to gain a foothold in the acting industry again. Even Meghan’s family and friends live there. But Prince Harry somehow has no point of reference to the US metropolis and this could become a problem in the future.

For a few weeks now, the small family of Prince Harry (35), his wife Meghan (38) and little Archie (1) have been living in Los Angeles. A city that Meghan has known particularly since childhood and is made for her professional ambitions. In addition to her mother, Meghan also has numerous friends there, whom she has known for years. For Prince Harry, however, things are completely different, since he knows no one there and has not yet planned exactly how he wants to make a living in the future. A good friend of the prince has now described the big problems of the prince in his new life in the United States to the magazine “Vanity Fair”. The prince’s friend explained that Harry felt “helpless” and would “miss a structure in his life”. Harry is said to be in constant video call contact with his old friends in England.

The move to Los Angeles had a good thing for Prince Harry. Because now there seems to be a way to improve the conflicting relationship with his brother, Prince William. The magazine’s source confirms that Prince Harry is now seeking contact with his brother again. Perhaps in the fraternal conversations some issues from the past can then be cleared up. But most of all, Harry probably misses the old military friends. Prince Harry had served in the Royal Army for a total of 10 years. A time that the prince himself said was one of the most fulfilling years of his life. No wonder he should feel lost and lonely in the $ 18 million mansion in LA. Hopefully Prince Harry will soon find a way to deal with the meaningful things in life in his new home.



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