The Geissens also apparently survived the crisis surrounding the highly contagious corona virus. Now Papa Robert and Mama Carmen have given their daughter Davina a special gift shortly before their 17th birthday. Because the celebrity couple gave the gift

Daughter without further ado an electric car. But after a short video in which the new speedster was filmed, there was criticism from numerous fans.

Davina Geiss only celebrates her 17th birthday at the end of May, but Carmen and Robert Geiss apparently couldn’t wait any longer for the daughter’s surprise. And so Davina received her new electric vehicle early. On Instagram you can now watch the Geissens video of Davina proudly inaugurating her gift. But for many fans, the video was not well received. Many fans of the series are worried about Davina’s safety. Accordingly, there have been a number of negative comments below the video.

Carmen Geiss wrote very enthusiastically on Instagram: “We gave Davina’s birthday present to her a little earlier this year. But the joy was gigantic !! “. The video shows how Davina and her sister Shania prepare the new Renault Twizy for the first jaunt. According to the car, motor & sport, the vehicle with electric drive is said to cost around 10,000 euros. The car is also advertised as the supposedly ideal vehicle for the city. But many fans disagree. “There are already a lot of ugly cars, but they top everybody,” writes a fan under Carmen’s video. “I would never have driven around with a car like this, no matter how much money I had,” another fan comments in his comment. “The ‘car’ is life-threatening. I survived with a lot of luck! “, One user is obviously concerned about the disadvantages of the vehicle. Hopefully Davina will take care of herself when she goes on tour in her new vehicle.



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