Many people are already speculating when normalcy will finally return after the outbreak of the coronavirus. However, those who expected a quick solution will now be disappointed. Because now Germany’s Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (61, SPD) is speaking plain text.

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz was a guest of the “ARD” talk show “Anne Will” yesterday and spoke about the current situation around the corona virus. “We have to do many things right at the same time. But it will remain difficult for two years. ”In plain language, this means that certain restrictions around the corona crisis will continue to be with us for up to two years. Scholz warned of the illusion of simple solutions, such as a tracking app for people infected with the virus. “This is an illusion, we should say that very clearly,” announced Scholz.

There will be no simple return to normal everyday life. Therefore, from Scholz’s point of view, it is important “to speak of a new normal, because we have to adjust to a reality in which the virus has not disappeared”. The further development is primarily dependent on the production and distribution of a vaccine against the dangerous virus. And apparently the Vice Chancellor believes that this whole process will only be finished in around 2 years. Scholz again pointed out that there are no simple solutions in the current situation. “We should never give the impression that there is a simple solution.” According to Scholz, this is “not only unlikely”, but also “dangerous because it leads to believing conspiracy theorists”.



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